Well we have our enterprise password Resets that happen every 45 days ; This causes Havoc to my local biztlak server installation.
THIS information Applies if you have NOT backed up your master secret
( Thanks Patrick for pointing out this ) .
if you have in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Enterprise Single Sign-On
>ssoconfig.exe -restoresecret YouBTSSSOBackupfile
So one day you reset that password and suddenly you discover that your biztalk service is not running.
First - Dont Panic !
ok Now you are not panicking :-)
so these are the places you need to reset
Goto ->Start->Run-> Services.msc
and update the password for the following
BizTalk Base EDI service
BiztalkServer Application
Enterprise Single Sign-On Service
Rule Engine Update Service
Next Open Biztalk Administrator and change passwords for
BizTalk Host Instance Account
BizTalk Isolated Host Instance Account ( In case you set it up same which is not the recommendation btw )
Next Open IIS Manager
Goto ->Start->Run-> inetmgr.msc ->Application pools->Properties ->Identities
and change the password for all the onee below ( You might not have some based on your configuration )
TpmWSAppPool (If you are using BAS)
WSSAppPool (Sharepoint app Pool )
Whew !! That should get you back on track .
In case it did not leave me a comment or Ping me !