Thursday, October 05, 2006

BPM and SOA conference - Day 3

Day 3

I missed the first session, most part of it amyway Windows Workflow Foundation: Creating Custom Activities for Workflows , Remember the movie and the relaxing yesterday .Anyway I had downloaded all the labs that day which has a Custom Activty lab . i then took the Driving Business Process Automation through Vertical Accelerators Brennan O’Reilly & Mark Smith . The had some intersting case studies . Interesting I met Brennan through one of my old friends Vishnu . So that was a definite higlight .

The next session I picked was "Effective Techniques for Handling Large Messages in Service Oriented Solutions " Thomas Abraham. This was an intersting session and one thing that I picked up was how BTS2006 pages your maps for translation on to disk after a certain threshhold and how you can control that threshhold. .
The next session was BizTalk Server 2006 R2 Adapter Framework - Walkthrough
Chandramouli Venkatesh Microsoft
, This was no kidding the most Packed session of the conference in my opinion . I was sitting on the floor as there were no seats available . So that kind of gives you a general idea. CV's session was a blast !!. he demoed a WCF based SAP adapter . This is one of my High value session in mt eval . Hey You now owe me that drink !

Well the best part about thursday was getting to go for Dinner with the Product Team . This had a pretty good crowd.

Oliver Sharp: General Manager – BizTalk Server
Steve Swartz: Architect – WCF
Patric McElroy: Product Unit Manager – BizTalk Messaging & Process Server
Dan Eshner: Product Unit Manager – BizTalk Executive & Analytics
Kris Horrocks: Sr Technical Product Manager – BizTalk Product Marketing
Peter Wise: Group Program Manager – BizTalk Customer Projects & Services
Kartik Paramasivam: Dev Lead - BizTalk Messaging & Process Server
Lee Graber: Dev Lead – BizTalk Messaging & Process Server
Andrew Layman: Product Unit Manager – BizTalk Interoperability
John Wyss: Group Manager - BizTalk Customer Projects & Services
Jean-Emile Elien: Architect - BizTalk Messaging & Process Server
Chandramouli Venkatesh - Adapters

THe conversation was spontaneous and I rememeber some of the jokes that I had on my cold . Well if you dont know Ravan is a an evil king in Hindu Mythology who has 10 heads. I was thinking what if Ravan catches cold !. It is pretty funny when you think about . And since Ravan has 10 heads one head of that being on the nect , it has 4 on one side and 5 on the other that creates an equilibirium problem to an otherwise symmetirical human structure . And like in SQL it is possible to have a split brain for an issue if you have 5 heads voting for and against. And another one I thought is Ravan does not need to do a seperate brain storning session . He is always in one . And finally if one head sneezes does the other heads go belss you !

I also got to meet most of the Biztalk MVP's whose blogs I read regularly like
Alan ,Bill , Jon,Matt , Rod , Scott , Stephen Thomas
.It was a great evening , it was in Daniel's Broiler in Bellevue Downtown and I tell you the lamb chops there are absoultely delcious not to mention the crab cakes . So was an exciting day in short and a memorable day in my MVP life.

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